Monday, June 23, 2014

Week 1 in Review + Yogi Unicorns

I'm 3.7% of the way through the mileage of my 18-week plan.  

During Week 1 (also notated as 11 due to my previous maintenance plan) I contended with my arch nemesis: Humidity.  Heat sucks, yes.  Humidity is just pure evil.  

Side Note: I'll say this once, I'm asthmatic.  It's a new(er) diagnosis that lead to a surgery last year and long-term meds.  I have to carry my inhaler with me  Yes, it's a medical condition that could hold me back as I throw myself up and down hills in the stifling temps and soup-like air, but I will never let it be an excuse not to do what needs to be done to reach my goal.
The great running sources say it takes a full 2 weeks for your body to acclimate to running in heat and humidity.  I doubted this seriously as I had to walk during a few long runs on previous Saturdays due to feeling like I was overheating and couldn't breathe (see wtf? pic.)  I envisioned training for this whole thing inside - yuck.

My mind could not force my legs to dial it back and SLOW DOWN THE PACE.  I'm not a fast runner, but giving up the gains I've made over the last year in the speed dept. was really hard for me.  This week I made a breakthrough and got it through my thick skull that I'd never get through this training if I didn't slow down.  So I did, and it worked.  Phew. 

A few lessons learned:
  1. Relative Humidity is almost always higher first thing in the morning, but it's also the coolest part of the day.
  2. Suck DOWN the electrolytes + Fuel with a 4:1 snack (that's 4 parts carb, 1 part protein) after any and all runs going over an hour in length - otherwise, Excedrin will have to be consumed to deal with your bitch of a headache later.
  3. Post-long-run naps are good.
  4. I have no fear of dogs until...I'm running, and they aren't on leashes.  Leash your dogs, people!
  5. Running in only a sports bra and shorts does not a prostitute make, it helps keep you cool.  Not dying always trumps modest running.  (Pretty sure I got an awesome ab workout from sucking in my gut to my spine the entire run too.)
 A few other updates...
  • I am not a group runner - I can run with a partner, but a group, no.  It was great meeting and talking to other runner chicks, and I'm super happy I found a veteran marathoner to knock out my 7 miles with.  We stuck with each other and all before 9 am.  It was good to pick her brain about her past experiences.  I did feel très shitty leaving the rest of the group behind, but if I stop to walk even for a second, I don't see myself regaining my momentum to finish.
  • Strength training is reassuring me that while my primary leg muscles may be ripped from running, those special hidden ones still need to be stronger.  72 weighted squats later and some unidentified near-my-hamstring mucles are crying.  Cry on, weaklings.
  • I now have the ugliest feet ever.  Calluses, funked up toe nails, yeah.  Gross stuff, but I am proud of them even if they do scare small children.

Week 2's Motivation: Post-run yoga on Thursday.  Hurts so good.  As weird and creepy as the term "hip openers" may sound, deep lunges and lizard pose are magical and visions of yogi unicorns will ensue.  And if you're interested in seeing said unicorns, here's lizard pose brought to you by Yoga Merge via You Tube. 

Peace out and run on.

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