Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Week 2 in Review + Fueling on the Run

Another week in the books! 7% down, 93% to go!

This week was a bit jumbled due to my husband running a race on Saturday morning and a subsequent (much needed) shopping a.k.a. chill time trip with my seester.  Just a run moved and a strength training session postponed to week 3 is all.  Got to run with the punches - heh.

The miles were lower in week 2 because that's how my plan works - every 3rd week the mileage dials back a bit to prevent over-training injuries and burnout.

I combined Sunday's Yoga and Foam Rolling session and did a relaxing but intense 38-minute session of Yoga on a Roll from Runner's World.  Not a huge fan, but if you're strapped for time, it does the trick.

So let's talk fuel for a few - when I say fuel, I'm referring to what I must consume DURING my run to provide my body with a boost of energy (carbs) and electrolytes that are depleted while running.  When you run, you rapidly use up the energy (in the form of glycogen, a sugar) stored in your muscles and liver.  After this, your body turns to your fat cells, but the time it takes to break down the cells is too long and can often result in a runner "hitting the wall" or "the bonk".  Check out this clip from "Run Fatboy Run" for a great illustration of what it feels like:

Marathon training is obviously about training your body to be able to run the long distances needed in order to cross the finish line - a lot of people would say it's also a great way to torture yourself and prove your lunacy to the rest of the world.  I say, right and right.

It's also about training your muscles to store more glycogen so you can go longer without hitting this evil wall.  This process takes time and everyone's body adjusts differently, and it also requires training your body to consume replacement carbs on the run.  For me, if I know my run is going to be longer than 45 minutes, especially in heat and humidity, I have to take in something to keep me going and get the most out of my workout.  I also take water because in order for your body to breakdown the carbs, you need to consume water with them.

Eating/drinking while running can be tricky.  I'm not really talking about coordination here either.  Putting food into your stomach while you're pounding the pavement can lead to stomach upset, cramping, and sometimes even vomiting.  Sounds like a blast, right??  It's all about finding the right fuel for you, training your body to take it in, and figuring out the timing so you don't face unnecessary energy slumps.  If you're feeling it, you've probably waited too long. 

For the majority of my half-marathon training, I ate pitted medjool dates with a pinch of sea salt inside.  I got my sugar and some salt.  It worked.  When I tried to eat gels - even broken down into smaller portions- there was this awful blood battle in my body.  My muscles wanted the blood to replace the oxygen they were burning through, and my stomach wanted it to help breakdown the huge shot of carbs I'd given it in the form of a gel.  The muscles won and I experienced some of the most awful abdominal cramping I'd ever felt.  It also makes me gag going down.  This is quite common in runners, so I switched to the natural date alternative and everything was great...until the thought of eating another date made my mouth water in that "I'm going to hurl" way.  Date burnout.
Fuel Experiment: Honey Stinger Chews + Gels, GU, & Huma

So now I'm going to experiment with different brands, chews and gels, and maybe even some other natural alternatives like sweet potato and oranges.  I'm totally stoked about the huma chia gels - 100% all natural and instead of a honey-like consistency, they're more like a fruit puree.  I may also trying making my own gel using No Meat Athlete's/Thrive's recipe.  Less gagging perhaps?  Fingers crossed.

My last timed race during training is this Friday - and I couldn't be happier about the weather forecast.  Looks like the temps around race time will be in the mid-60s - ideal!   Hope to set a new personal record, but if not, it will be good to get my longer run finished with a crowd cheering me on!

Have a safe and Happy Independence Day!

Peace out and run on.

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