Monday, June 16, 2014

Marathon + Me + Saving the Princess

I decided to keep this blog because frankly, I'm awful at writing in a journal.  I now have a super cute "Marathon Journal" that is being used for writing to-do and grocery lists.  $8 well spent, I'd say. 

Yeah, so, right now, this is for me to keep track of the next 18 weeks of running-related fun during marathon training.  I may share it, but I won't apologize for foul language or rambling posts.  I also won't humor comments about "not enough protein" and "bad for your knees" - so take that, naysayers.

Today is day 1.  Monday, June 16, 2014.  Day 1 of the ultimate torture: Full Marathon Training.  That's 26.2 miles of running, fueling, hydrating, inner monologues of the crazy, and pure and utter insanity in the hot, hot, humid mid-west summer.

Let's reminisce here.

Jan 2013: Joined the Rec-Plex to lose weight and start setting a good example for my son.
Feb 2013: Sinus Surgery + Adoption of Vegan Diet
Mar 2013: Started Couch to 5k Program.
Apr 2013: First 5k Fun Run - the Color Run in the Rain - Jogged/Walked the whole thing and came in under an hour.
May - September 2013: Dropped 50 pounds and walk/ran my first timed 5k in July.  Crossed the finish line at 40:00.
October 2013: Trained my ass off to finally run a whole 5k non-stop.  Ran the Howl for the Homeless 5k in 34:47, knocking over 5 minutes off my previous PR.  Made the fateful jump to start training for my first Half-Marathon with my husband.
November 2013-March 2014: Trained like a beast in the winter from ice hell.  Dropped another 25 pounds.
April 2014: Ran the Go! Half-Marathon in 2:27:37 and that next day signed up for my 1st marathon (wtf?)
April - Present: Ran using a self-developed maintenance plan (15 miles/week) to keep my fitness, added HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training), Cross Training, Yoga for Runners, and ab work to my line-up. Set 2 new PRs - 5k: 27:57 and 10k: 1:03:03.  

So yeah, there's the back story  - this blog is going to be my marathon training therapist.  You know, the kind that keeps their lips zipped, nods, and lets you go on endlessly about your life.

So why am I doing this?
Yeah, I'd like to know too.
No, really...

I'm doing this because I can.  I put in the work to shed years of over-eating, couch dates, and living in the land of comfort zones.  I chose the apple instead of the vegan ice cream.  I got my ass up, put on my running gear and ran even when I would have rather gouged out my eyes.  I saw my body transform in front of my eyes.

I'm running this shit because I earned the satisfaction of succeeding, and I don't care if I have to drag my legs across the finish line with my own teeth -- I will cross it, and there will be celebratory ugly crying.

For you non-runners who enjoyed a rousing game of Super Mario Bros. back in the day, I can only say that this is like the need to beat the next level no matter how many times that one fucking flying turtle got you.  Must.Save.the.Princess!

Peace out and run on.

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